WHAT YOU CAN DO Join Us The St. James Conference meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm in the St. Patrick Room of the Memorial Center. Donate Your cash donations to the St. Vincent de Paul Society will be put to use to help those who need our help. Pray Keep those to whom we minister in your prayers each day.
WHO WE ARE Help us help others. St. James Conference SVdeP Society, Richard Hoenisch email: [email protected] If you would like to get involved and donate something more than money, donate your time! Volunteer for some of our Committees: -Home Visits -Spirituality -Homeless Bags -Mattress Ministry -Summer Camp Ministry -Hospitality, Donor Appreciation -Prayer-and-Share -Faith-in-Action Sandwich-making -Maryhouse Breakfasts -Fundraising -Publicity
How to Donate to St. Vincent dePaul in Davis We provide urgently needed temporary rental assistance, utilities assistance, and food. The St. James Conference of the St. Vincent dePaul Society is a non-profit, charitable organization under IRS Section 501(c)(3) Send a check Make the check out to “St. Vincent dePaul” and mail it to “St. Vincent dePaul, 1275 B Street, Davis CA 95616”. Use BillPay, Popmoney, or Zelle. Most banks and credit unions offer “BillPay”, “Popmoney”, or “Zelle” for personal money transfers. These are free and safe. And you can set them up to be one-time or recurring, such as monthly. To send a check by BillPay, all you need is the same information needed for a check. See above. Your bank website will tell you how to have a check sent, usually for free. For “Popmoney” or “Zelle” electronic transfers, do a search in your bank account’s website to see if it is available. After you set up Popmoney or Zelle on your financial institution’s website or app, all you need to transfer funds to St. Vincent dePaul in Davis is our email address -- [email protected]. Also email our Treasurer at [email protected] to let her know it’s coming. Again, this can be one-time or recurring. Donate a Car or Boat Donate an unneeded car or boat. Contact our treasurer. Email [email protected]. If you want a receipt or annual statement, email our treasurer at [email protected]. ST. JAMES PARISH DOES NOT PROVIDE RECEIPTS OR STATEMENTS FOR ST. VINCENT dePAUL DONATIONS. The St. Vincent dePaul (SVdP) Conference in Davis, California is housed and sponsored by St. James Catholic Parish in Davis, but is financially separate with a different bank account and Tax ID Number. If you wish to donate to SVdP, you must specifically donate to it. Tax ID: 45-0492351. -- SC & JN 7-6-2020
OUR MISSION “The Hand of God is always outstretched for those who wish to grasp it.” -St. Vincent de Paul Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. These acts of charity are done in the tradition of the Society’s founder, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, and its patron, St. Vincent de Paul. As a a reflection of the whole family of God, members, who are known as Vincentians, are drawn from every ethnic and cultural background, age group, and economic level. Vincentians are united in an international society of charity by their spirit of poverty, humility and sharing, nourished by prayer and reflection, mutually supportive gatherings and adherence to a basic Rule. Vincentians witness God's love by embracing all works of charity and justice. The Society collaborates with other people of good will in relieving need and addressing its causes, making no distinction in those served because, in them, Vincentians see the face of Christ.
OUR FOUNDER “Embrace the world in a network of charity.” Blessed Frédéric Ozanam Frédric Ozanam, who conceived this Society, was a brilliant young Frenchman, lawyer, author and professor in the Sorbonne. 1n 1833, Ozanam led a group of university students in founding a society whose object was to minister to the needs of the Parisian poor. The Society's establishment was due in part to the desire of the founders to furnish a practical refutation to reproaches directed against Christianity by the followers of Saint-Simon, Fourier, and other popular teachers of the day. "Show us your works!" taunted the St. Simonians. “We admit the past grandeur of Christianity, but the tree is now dead and bears no fruit." To this taunt Ozanam and his companions retorted by forming themselves into a Conference of Charity, later adopting the name of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Since then, the Society has spread throughout the world, affecting the lives of millions through its acts of charity. Frédéric Ozanam was beatified by St. Pope John Paul II on August 22, 1997.