In this day and age we are often overwhelmed by choices. Is our goal in life to be optimally happy? If we admit that God exists, He has a claim on our life - we owe something to God. Think of it - no matter how poor the quality of the instrument, an artist can still create a masterpiece. Michelangelo used a hammer and chisel and was amazing. If we give God permission to use us He will do wonderful things. God is always with us whatever we do. Our goal is not to have a "perfect" life but rather to do what God wants us to do. We realize our life is His and we live it. We trust in God. This is the kind of life worth living. May we all embrace life. May we all embrace Jesus. Some things were more important to Jesus than His own comfort. He dropped everything to show the hurting and the needy His compassion. He taught that charity should come before everything. We can choose to love instead of hate, to be generous instead of selfish, to make peace instead of war. This is what being a faithful disciple of Jesus does – we do the right stuff on the right path that leads to eternal life.
We never have to wait for Lent to become holy. Saints are made from thousands of ordinary moments during which they opened themselves up to God and did what He called them to do. God is in our present moments and wants us to be holy. The Second Vatican Council calls us all to holiness. We are called to dive in completely to life – which may be profound but not necessarily spectacular. We are called to give ourselves completely to God wherever we may be, to do good and do it well, to root our values in fidelity to Christ, and to dedicate our moments to God.
Extraordinary life is made up of ordinary moments. Should we ignore them we may be missing out. Think of it – each day we write our own Gospel chapter by how we live our life. We proclaim the Good News by our words and actions – by living holy moments. Every moment matters. Say to yourself: "God this moment is for You." Be careful not to allow distraction to snatch your attention away from the joy and wonder of God.
Jesus wants us to thrive but, at times, we get in the way of God's blessings. Jesus restores us from our brokenness if we present our brokenness to Him. When we surrender to God we are open to his healing. Trust God and be patient.
“No act is charitable if it is not just.” St. Bruno
“Love is the most beautiful sentiment the Lord has put into the soul of men and women.” St. Gianna Molla